Top questions to ask a property manager or BDM

Questions Agent 1 Name Agent 2 Name Agent 3 Name
How long has your company been in business?
How long have you been in the role?
What experience do your property managers have?
How many property managers are in your team?
What awards has your company won?
What testimonials do you or your company have?
How many houses do you lease like mine?
How many tenants do you have on your waiting database?
What innovative software can you offer me?
If I change my mind, can I get out of your contract?
Why should I use you?
Do you show homes on weekends?
How do you arrange viewings to show homes?
Do you have an online portal where I can see my property details at any time?
Where is your office?
Overall impression 0/10 /10 /10 /10
Ranking (1,2,3)


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